Membership of the Arms Collectors Guild of QLD Inc is open to all patriotic Australians who have practical or philosophic interest in the collecting, researching and preservation of firearms, weapons, related artefacts, military history and in the well being and continuation of operation of this collecting society.
New members will be subject to a probationary period.
The ACGQ is particularly interested in recruiting younger members to ensure the future of the Guild.
Membership Costs:
Annual membership cost is $75.00 per applicant with a once only joining fee of $20.00 for new members.
Application for Membership
- Please email applicant name and contact phone number to the ACGQ, to allow the ACGQ Membership Officer to establish initial contact with prospective new member and the applicant's interests and collecting objectives before application for membership forms would be posted to applicant.
- Intending members will need to name two referees who can verify the applicant's good character, plus that the applicant has had a prolonged interest in firearms collecting and that they are a genuine student of arms.
- Intending members are required to disclose the membership of all other approved historical societies and shooting clubs.
- Intending members must provide clear photocopies of all applicable Queensland weapons licences (plastic cards) in addition to the full completion of the application for membership form. [This requirement enables the Guild to fulfil a statuary reporting obligation to Weapons Licencing Branch, QLD Police Service.]
For further details or enquiries, please contact the ACGQ Membership Officer.